Event agenda
Friday, 23 February 2024
10:00 - 11:00
Forum of Self-Representatives of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Nothing about us, without us!
- Focus: Intellectual and Psychosocial disabilities
- In German Language
- German captions | ÖGS
- with English translation
In this Forum Self-advocates wills share their experience with inclusive education models and suggest ways in which to focus training and teaching in such a way that it engages all from the beginning.
5 speakers
11:10 - 12:10
Education specialists on German Universities: building inclusion from within (in German language)
- Higher education
- In German Language
- German captions | ÖGS
- with English translation
This session is fully organized by Bildungsfachkräfte (education specialists), former students with intellectual disabilities who are now employed at several German universities, who discuss their work, their impact and their challenges.
9 speakers
12:20 - 14:40
The Zero Project – Austria Inclusive Education Forum
- Formal education
- Non-formal education
- In German Language
- German captions | ÖGS
- with English translation
- Graphic facilitation
The Zero Project – Austria Inclusive Education Forum is dedicated towards the Austrian interest groups in education and ICT, focusing on innovations in inclusive schooling, university education, ICT and employment in the IT-industry.
16 speakers