Susanna LAURIN

Accessibility expert



25 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

Chair of Funka Foundation
G3ict and IAAP Representative to the EU
ETSI/CEN/CENELEC JTB eAccessibility Chait

My organisation


IAAP supports accessibility professionals and organisations with professional training, certifications, and networking. Our goal is to build professional skills and support organisations that incorporate accessibility into their services, products, and infrastructure.

Social media

Additional questions

Inclusive Education

Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingDigital LearningLifelong Learning

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Big Data SolutionsCommunity and Knowledge PlatformGaming SolutionsInternet of ThingsMobile Services and Smartphone AppsSocial MediaTranslation/Conversation Tools

Other Areas of Activity

AccessibilityEmploymentIndependent Living and Political Participation

At #ZeroCon24, I am looking for...

NetworkingResearch Cooperations

At #ZeroCon24, I am offering...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusionInvitations to international conferencesNetworkingProject CooperationsResearch CooperationsConsulting

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 22 February 2024

16:30 - 17:30

IAAP Professional Accessibility Certification and Membership Q&A

Format:Video conferencing

This interactive session by IAAP offers an informal discussion on capacity building and for networking. It is suitable for all participants, regardless of their level of expertise.