Ghadeer Alhares

Assistant Secretary- General for Technical Affairs

the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


42 profile visitsSpeaker

My organisation

The Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (henceforth referred to as “HCD” was established by virtue of the repealed Law No. (31) of 2007 on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, initially under the name of the Higher Council for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities, as a public institution headed by His Royal Highness Prince Raad Bin Zeid. Under the leadership of His Royal Highness Prince Mired Raad Zeid Al-Hussein, the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities No. (20) for the Year 2017 was issued, and the name of HCD was amended to the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. HCD became the first disability-focused government body to formulate policies, follow up on their implementation and provide technical and knowledge-based support to executive bodies to implement their programmes and plans in accordance with the provisions of the new law. HCD is therefore the main national reference point vis-à-vis policy-making and the implementation of monitoring processes through clear, scientific and methodological mechanisms endorsed by the new Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
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About me

Ms. Al Hares is Secretary-General Assistant for Technical Affairs at the Higher Council for Affairs of Persons with Disabilities (HCD). Previously, she served as the Media Spokesperson, the Director of Policy and Planning and Director of Inclusive Educational Program and Accreditation Standards Departments at HCD. Prior to joining HCD, Al Hares worked for the Disabled Children Association in Saudi Arabia as a senior speech and language pathologist and as a teacher of English language for Jordan’s Ministry of Education.  In 2007, she became certified by the University of Jordan to train and supervise their M.A. students in Speech Pathology.

Al Hares earned her Bachelors in English language and Masters in Speech and Language Pathology from the University of Jordan. She is a licensed speech and language pathologist from the Ministry of Health.

In March and April 2017, Al Hares was a member of the Jordanian Delegation attending the 17th session of the committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CRPD held in Geneva.

Al Hares is the recipient of several awards and participated in several international programs and conferences. In 2014 she was awarded the Ideal Employee for Excellence /leadership category in the Civil Service, by Jordan Civil Service Bureau. She received letters of appreciations from U.S. President Barak Obama and the then former Secretary-General of HCD Dr. Amal Nahass, for her participation in the International Visitors Leadership Program: Honoring 50 years of the peace corps. She also received appreciation letters from the Administration of the Disabled Children Association for participating in different activities in and outside the Association in Saudi Arabia.

My organisation

the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

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Inclusive Education

Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingDigital LearningEducation in EmergenciesFormal EducationLifelong LearningNon-Formal EducationPre-School and Early Childhood Intervention

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)

Community and Knowledge Platform

Other Areas of Activity

AccessibilityEmploymentIndependent Living and Political Participation

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Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 22 February 2024

11:20 - 12:20

The Global Disability Summit (GDS) 2025

Format:Live streamTrack:Location: M1
  • English captions | International Sign

The Global Disability Summit (GDS) is a unique global mechanism that improves the lives of persons with disabilities, especially from the Global South.