Sven Gräbner

Bildungsfachkraft (Education Specialist)

University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, Kompetenzzentrum Inklusive Bildung Sachsen-Anhalt


19 profile visitsSpeaker

My organisation

The Competence Centre for Inclusive Education Saxony-Anhalt (Kompetenzzentrum Inklusive Bildung Sachsen-Anhalt) started in 2019 as a project for the qualification of people with disabilities as educational specialists, working as experts in their own cause. After completing the three-year, full-time qualification and founding of the Competence Centre for Inclusive Education Saxony-Anhalt in 2022 the educational specialists provide insights into the lives, needs and perspectives of people with disabilities in an academic environment. Thus, they convey the importance of inclusion to (future) teaching, professional and executive staff in seminars, workshops, or presentations. Ultimately, the aim of an inclusive and accessible society is not only a gain for people with disabilities, but also for society as a whole. The Competence Centre for Inclusive Education Saxony-Anhalt is funded by the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt and linked to the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal. Furthermore it cooperates with the German Inclusion Centre Kiel.
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About me

Former employee in a workshop for people with disabilities

Now: Working as an Education Specialist (Bildungsfachkraft) at University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg/Stendal

My organisation

University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, Kompetenzzentrum Inklusive Bildung Sachsen-Anhalt

The Competence Centre for Inclusive Education Saxony-Anhalt (Kompetenzzentrum Inklusive Bildung Sachsen-Anhalt) started in 2019 as a project for the qualification of people with disabilities as educational specialists, working as experts in their own cause. After completing the three-year, full-time qualification and founding of the Competence Centre for Inclusive Education Saxony-Anhalt in 2022 the educational specialists provide insights into the lives, needs and perspectives of people with disabilities in an academic environment. Thus, they convey the importance of inclusion to (future) teaching, professional and executive staff in seminars, workshops, or presentations. Ultimately, the aim of an inclusive and accessible society is not only a gain for people with disabilities, but also for society as a whole. The Competence Centre for Inclusive Education Saxony-Anhalt is funded by the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt and linked to the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal. Furthermore it cooperates with the German Inclusion Centre Kiel.

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Inclusive Education

Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingLifelong Learning

Other Areas of Activity

AccessibilityEmploymentIndependent Living and Political Participation

At #ZeroCon24, I am looking for...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusion

At #ZeroCon24, I am offering...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusionNetworking

Speaker sessions (1)

Friday, 23 February 2024

11:10 - 12:10

Education specialists on German Universities: building inclusion from within (in German language)

Format:Pre-recordedTrack:Location: M3
  • Higher education
  • In German Language
  • German captions | ÖGS
  • with English translation

This session is fully organized by Bildungsfachkräfte (education specialists), former students with intellectual disabilities who are now employed at several German universities, who discuss their work, their impact and their challenges.