Fionn Crombie Angus
ESC volunteer
About me
Hi I am Fionn. I am joining ENIL as a volunteer with the ESC program. I am 27 years old and I am from Galway, Ireland. I have been a disability rights advocate for as long as I can remember.
From guest lecturing in universities around the world to setting up my own social enterprise – I have committed my life to improving the lives of disabled people worldwide.
I am the first person in Ireland with cognitive impairment (Down syndrome) to create and manage my own supports. With help from family, i explored the programs of traditional service providers, formed a limited company, proposed my own plan, and, in 2015, agreed to start a pilot project for the HSE (Health Service Executive).
I am a member of and have collaborated with the following groups: The Citizen Network (International Ambassador), The Community Partnership Training Network, The Disability Federation of Ireland, Inclusion Ireland, Down Syndrome Ireland, Down Syndrome International, Global Down Syndrome Foundation, National Down Syndrome Society, Camphill Communities, Brothers of Charity, Clan Beo, Leap, the Galway City Partnership, and the Clare Advocacy Platform.
I am excited to be with ENIL for 6 months to learn about and advocate for independent living at the European level.
My organisation
The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) is a user-led network of disabled people, with members throughout Europe. ENIL is a forum for all disabled people, Independent Living organizations and their non-disabled allies on the issues of Independent Living. ENIL represents the disability movement for human rights and social inclusion based on solidarity, peer support, deinstitutionalization, democracy, self-representation, cross disability and self-determination.
ENIL’s vision is of Europe where all disabled people are able to exercise choice and control over their lives, on an equal level with others; where they are valued members of the community and can enjoy all of their human rights, as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
Additional questions
he/himInclusive Education
Other Areas of Activity
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Speaker sessions (2)
Wednesday, 21 February 2024
14:00 - 15:00
Innovative TVET programmes with a focus on persons with intellectual disabilities
- English captions | International Sign
New trends and methods on technical and vocational education and training will be presented with a special focus on persons with intellectual disabilities during this Session.
Thursday, 22 February 2024
10:00 - 10:20
Can a social enterprise by a man with Down syndrome change the disability support landscape?
- English captions | International Sign