Renate Baur-Richter

Managing Director

Access for All

United Arab Emirates

25 profile visitsSpeaker


Let’s have coffee and talk !
Renate Baur-Richter is an inclusion and accessibility strategist and mentor, who is known for her hands-on knowledge and passionate approach towards her work.
She worked on policies, environments, work- and cultural and community places, products and services in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania and Europe.
Renate received her Master's degree from Danube University in Austria and holds two certifications from the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), CPACC and CPABE.

My organisation

Access for All

The Institute for Inclusion and Accessibility works on creating more inclusive and accessible experiences. 

We create inclusive and accessible market research, policies, environments, work- and cultural and community places, products and services.

Additional questions

Inclusive Education

Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingDigital LearningEducation in EmergenciesLifelong LearningNon-Formal Education

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Big Data SolutionsCommunity and Knowledge PlatformGaming SolutionsInternet of ThingsMobile Services and Smartphone AppsRobotics and Automated MachinerySocial MediaTranslation/Conversation Tools

Other Areas of Activity


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NetworkingProject CooperationsResearch Cooperations

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Project CooperationsResearch Cooperations

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 22 February 2024

14:40 - 15:00

Work 4.0 for all: A new way to identify competencies and job opportunities

Format:Live stream
Location: Fireside Chat - First floor
  • English captions | International Sign