Guy Le Fanu

Senior Global Technical Lead, Education


United Kingdom

5 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

Dr. Guy Le Fanu is the Senior Global Technical Lead (Education) for Sightsavers. He is responsible for providing technical assistance for Sightsavers’ education projects in Africa and South Asia. He has over twenty years’ experience working in the field of disability, education, and international development, including four years supporting the Government of Bangladesh’s nationwide education program for children with disabilities and six years working in Papua New Guinea as a lecturer in special and inclusive education. He previously taught in special and comprehensive schools in the United Kingdom.

My organisation


Sightsavers is a leading global organization dedicated to eliminating avoidable blindness and promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities. With over 70 years of experience, we work in more than 30 countries to provide sight-saving surgeries, distribute medication, and provide rehabilitation and education services. Our mission is driven by a commitment to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life, regardless of their visual impairment or disability.

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Inclusive Education

Digital LearningFormal EducationNon-Formal EducationPre-School and Early Childhood Intervention

At #ZeroCon24, I am looking for...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusionNetworkingProject Cooperations

At #ZeroCon24, I am offering...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusionNetworking

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 22 February 2024

14:10 - 15:10

Educational resources for visually impaired students

Format:Live stream
Location: M2
  • Focus: Visual impairment or Blind
  • English captions | International Sign
  • Audiodescription

In this Session, participants delve into ICT for the visually impaired: from accessible devices in low-income areas to rapid Braille conversion of textbooks.