Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute Integriert Studieren


Our activities and area of responsiblities include:

  • Research in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and accessibility / disability and assistive technologies

  • Education for computer science students (Bachelor's and Master's programs) and teaching elective courses for all JKU students in all research areas

  • Service & Support Center for students who have disabilities and / or chronic illnesses in close cooperation with publishing companies, the JKU Rectorate as well as JKU course instructors and heads of institutes at the JKU

In addition, we organize the conference "International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP)".

The ICCHP is the largest bi-annual scientific conference in Europe in the field of ICT / AT for people who have disabilities and require Assistive Technologies.

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Sector of Organisation

Public Sector

Public Sector

Other Public Administration



Head of Institute

Johannes Kepler University Linz