Helix Opportunity LLC

helixopp.comUnited States
6 profile visits


Helix Opportunity specializes in workforce development and inclusive design consulting, training, research, and staffing. We believe that all human beings are unique. Each of us has our own set of strengths and weaknesses. Yet, there are ways in which all people are alike. The essential aspects of the human experience, such as birth, death, love, struggle, and emotion, unite us all. Products, environments, and services can connect all people through their shared human experience by engaging each person's strongest combination of senses and abilities. This is the essence of our approach to what we call Common Sense Design to achieve Harmony at Work. It is the core of who we are and what we do. All of our work, from organizational development to product design, is driven by this vision.

Helix Opportunity provides training, consulting, and research, services on how to design inclusive products, environments, and services, that meet all user’s needs, through a shared, and meaningful experience. We also cultivate workforce cultures that invite, attract, and meaningfully engage employees of all different backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, and functional abilities. In addition to training, and consulting, Helix Opportunity specializes in providing supported employment of people with disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math, career (STEAM) fields, through our staffing program. We also work

with world renowned business accelerator programs to cultivate the next generation of innovative entrepreneurs with disabilities.

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Sector of Organisation

Business Sector

Business Sector

Social enterprise


David Fazio


Helix Opportunity LLC

Volker Sorge

Chief Technology Officer
