Johanna Steiner

Senior Learning and Business Development Manager



43 profile visitsSpeaker


Johanna graduated from the University of Vienna in Educational Sciences with a focus on (Austrian) Sign Language. While studying she was working with people with disabilities in several contexts. After graduating she worked with Deaf youth and adults, enabling them to get qualified jobs. She was part of the team which built a social franchise for institutions for the Deaf, using a specific teaching model including Deaf Didactics and micro learning. Shortly after joining the project she became the educational lead, emerging into the role of educational manager in the international headquarters. At Lingvano she focuses on increasing the users’ learning experience on one hand and is part of business development on the other hand. In this role she is passionate to help Lingvano accelerate its mission to make the world more accessible for the Deaf community.

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Title (Academic/Diplomatic/Aristocratic/Political)




Inclusive Education

Digital LearningLifelong LearningNon-Formal Education

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)

Mobile Services and Smartphone AppsSocial Media

Other Areas of Activity


At #ZeroCon24, I am looking for...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusionInvitations to international conferencesNetworking

At #ZeroCon24, I am offering...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusionNetworking

Speaker sessions (3)

Thursday, 22 February 2024

13:40 - 14:40

Methods for teaching sign language and fostering signing communities

Location: M3
  • Focus: Hard of Hearing or Deaf
  • English captions | International Sign

Experience good practices in building up signing communities, be it family sign language training in the Amazonas, schools pioneering bilingual deaf education, or ICT innovators developing a global sign language app.

15:00 - 16:30

Innovation Pitches: Promising tech-innovations and impact investors

Format:Live stream
Location: M1
  • Assistive technologies
  • ICT innovations
  • English captions | International Sign

In this fast-paced session, witness dynamic tech showcases connecting with impact investors, and then delve into the immediate feedback the investors themselves provide.

Friday, 23 February 2024

12:20 - 14:40

The Zero Project – Austria Inclusive Education Forum

Location: M3
  • Formal education
  • Non-formal education
  • In German Language
  • German captions | ÖGS
  • with English translation
  • Graphic facilitation

The Zero Project – Austria Inclusive Education Forum is dedicated towards the Austrian interest groups in education and ICT, focusing on innovations in inclusive schooling, university education, ICT and employment in the IT-industry.

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Marketplace (1)