Dom Hyams

Head of Strategy

Purple Goat Agency

United Kingdom

31 profile visitsSpeaker

My organisation

Since forming in April 2020, Purple Goat has seen incredible growth, working with some of the largest brands from across the world including Meta, Google, Virgin Media, Starling Bank and the EU to create incredibly representative, innovative and authentic marketing campaigns that also align with overarching commercial ambitions.  They know that ‘getting disability right’ can feel like a daunting prospect for many brands - so Purple Goat look to take the fear out of marketing to the community. The staff are a diverse team with well over 50% lived experience of disability, ensuring that disabled voices, knowhow and authenticity run through the DNA from the outset. Within their work, Purple Goat look to crush outdated tropes and stereotypes of disability that we see in our media, creating the most progressive campaigns WITH the community, doubling down on authentic storytelling at every turn. The create a safe space for clients, with no wrong answers - ensuring that partners gain confidence, insight and expertise that develop their own practices in the process too.  From award winning social influencer activations and film production through to insights and creative consultancy, Purple Goat look to improve representation of the largest minority in the world, and change how we think about disability in society in the process.
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About me

Dom Hyams is an award-winning marketeer who consults and educates internationally on a range of topics including diversity, inclusion and accessibility.

Dom joined the Purple Goat Agency team in February 2021 as Head of Strategy - the world's first and only social-first inclusive marketing agency, looking to create the most progressive, representative and authentic marketing campaigns in the world by integrating disability knowhow and lived-experience in all aspects of campaign development and execution. The agency has seen tremendous growth over the last few of years, with international clients including Meta, Google, Virgin Media, the EU and Starling Bank. They wholeheartedly adhere to the mantra of "Nothing about Us, Without Us."

Dom previously worked in TV, as a producer at the sports TV production company Sunset+Vine, working across output including the landmark Paralympic coverage in 2012 and 2016. He has since worked in various digital media, marketing and communications roles, which led him Purple Goat.

He is also the founding editor of the Disability Power100 - Power List of Disability, which looks to showcase the most influential disabled change-makers in society.

As someone who is extremely comfortable talking about all aspects of inclusion in an open and candid way, he passionately looks to demonstrate that thinking inclusively can offer incredible opportunities for creative and exciting work, breaking down misconceptions around disability and progressive representation, whilst creating meaningful dialogue to build 'disability confidence' in those he works with.

My organisation

Purple Goat Agency

Social media

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Inclusive Education

Digital Learning

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)

Social Media

Other Areas of Activity


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Invitations to international conferencesNetworkingProject Cooperations

At #ZeroCon24, I am offering...

Increase expertise in accessibility and inclusionNetworkingProject CooperationsResearch CooperationsConsulting

Speaker sessions (2)

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

13:00 - 14:00

Realistic representation of persons with disabilities in the arts and media

Format:Live streamTrack:Location: M1
  • Non-formal education
  • Inclusive Arts
  • English captions | International Sign
  • Audiodescription

This Session showcases how innovative, creative, and inclusive approaches in music, dance, and visual arts can foster a more inclusive society.

Friday, 23 February 2024

14:20 - 14:40

Taking a progressive approach to IncIusion in Marketing

Format:Live streamTrack:Location: Fireside Chat - First floor
  • English captions | International Sign