Ifedinma Nwigwe

Executive Director

Maple Leaf Early Years Foundation


34 profile visitsSpeaker

My organisation

Maple Leaf Early Years Foundation is dedicated to finding and implementing solutions through educational interventions. Our programs are holistic in nature and inclusive. The needs of the children range from physical, emotional, social, psychosocial and academic needs. Our programs strive to meet those needs by including activities that speak to those needs. These activities include Transitional Learning Centres in displaced settings that include formal learning, informal learning, accelerated learning, lunch (school feeding programs), agri-vocational programs, psychosocial support sessions, and livelihood suppports. All these activities make adequate provisions for including persons with different disabilities including learning disabilitiies and psychosocial disabilities. This inclusivicity is extended to teachers with disabilities as well. We aim to remove the stigma from persons living with any kind of disability.
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About me

Ifedinma is the co-founder and Executive Director of Maple Leaf Early Years Foundation. A graduate of English from the University of Nigeria also of Early Childhood Education from the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Toronto, Canada, Ifedinma has been an advocate for children and their rights to education for over 20 years, including during her undergraduate years. Ifedinma has also been trained in and facilitated a specialized program for children with special needs called the Son Rise Program through the Autism Treatment Centre of America. Since the inception of Maple Leaf Early Years Foundation, Ifedinma has been a fierce advocate for the rights of children to basic education, particularly those in displaced settings, hard-to-reach, and rural communities, encouraging and implementing programs of inclusion of children with special needs as well as those with learning, psychosocial and physical disabilities. She believes no child should be left behind because of their disabilities or inabilities, and she extends this inclusivity to teachers with disabilities as well, preferring to see them as inspirations to the children they work with. Ifedinma is also enthusiastic about reading and creative writing, having written children's books as well. In addition to the work she is doing with children in displaced settings, Ifedinma is also passionate about ensuring each of these children are entitled to a lunch at school through the organization's Lunch@School Program. She continues to look for ways to bring attention to the plight of children in different difficult circumstances with a view to finding sustainable solutions for them.

My organisation

Maple Leaf Early Years Foundation

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Inclusive Education

Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingEducation in EmergenciesFormal EducationNon-Formal EducationPre-School and Early Childhood Intervention

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Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

14:40 - 16:00

Focus on Subsaharan Africa: Comprehensive teaching frameworks

Format:Pre-recordedTrack:Location: M3
  • Focus: Low- income countries
  • Formal education
  • English captions | International Sign
  • Graphic facilitation

Experience African good practices that empower children with disabilities in remote areas, with low-cost and easy-to-adapt programme modules, and IT support.

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